CAPE’s Are Better Than Crystal Balls

You would never drive your car with your sight glued to the rear view mirror.  You would likely wreck or find yourself lost.  Yet many investors are guilty of that very thing.  They select stocks, mutual funds and other investments based on past performance, despite the ever-present admonition in financial literature that “past performance is [...]

Your Brokerage Statement is Terrible

Brokerage statements are almost universally uninformative, misleading, and confusing.  They are largely a means for custodians to fulfill their legal reporting requirements as well as a legacy of yesteryear when we didn't have access to real-time data.  They often neglect important information that would be helpful for investors.  In many ways, these statements do far [...]

Thinking Differently About Asset Allocation

Imagine walking into your new doctor’s office for a routine physical.  The doctor asks for no information other than your age.  From just that piece of information, the doctor gives you a clean bill of health, suggests that you exercise 3 times each week, eat a well-balanced diet, thanks you for coming, and reminds you [...]

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