Charitable Giving

Many people want to give back to causes they are passionate about, and the good news is that charitable giving can also be a smart wealth management strategy. Planned-giving allows you to reduce income tax liability, limit the taxes that your heirs will owe on your estate, and can provide immediate benefit by helping you avoid substantial capital gains taxes.

One of the biggest benefits of charitable giving is the charitable part! Our team of advisors in Georgia have a deep knowledge of tax and estate planning rules and regulations and can help you understand how you can utilize your resources to be a force for good in the world, while still staying on track for your own retirement and wealth management goals.

Manage Your Wealth

There are many different ways that you can give beyond just cash donations. We will help you determine the best options and the best vehicles to donate and advise you on how various options will affect your own personal wealth and tax situation. We can also answer any questions you have about charitable giving to ensure that you fully understand where your money or assets will go over the designated period of time, and how they can help those in need.

When you want to use the wealth you have accumulated to benefit others, and benefit from the appropriate tax advantages, talk to the financial advisors at Resource Planning Group to learn more.

Request a copy of our article, “The Ten Things You Must Do Now to Secure a Brighter Financial Future”

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