Dismissing High Deductible HSA Plans Is a Costly Mistake

This time of year means open enrollment season and that means battling a consistent bevy of confusing acronyms: FSA, HSA, HRA, PPO, HMO, POS, and on.  Reorienting every year to the different meanings, rules, and benefits of these acronyms is akin to relearning the scoring rules of curling every four years.  Most Americans are interested [...]

Cheap Fouls and Unnecessary Insurance

Players in a college or high school basketball game are limited to 4 fouls and disqualified from competition upon receiving 5 fouls.  This limitation is intended to discourage players from consistently fouling to maintain the pace of play. In basketball, there are good fouls and bad fouls.  A good foul could be the result of commendable [...]

Important Health Insurance Changes for Small Business Owners

Many Americans are conditioned to treat employer-provided health insurance as an entitlement.  This long-standing attitude stems from a system that, for decades, has precluded a large segment of the population from finding reasonably priced health insurance on their own.  Anyone with a previous victory over cancer or a child with diabetes likely knows from experience [...]

Income Planning for the New Health Insurance Subsidies

It is estimated that nearly 26 million Americans will be eligible for some form of health insurance subsidy starting in 2014 under the Affordable Care Act.  For individuals and families with incomes well in excess of 4x the federal poverty line, these subsidies will be a non-event.  However, there are several situations where the subsidies [...]

Choosing a Health Insurance Policy In the New Environment

Despite significant technology glitches, the new health insurance exchanges are open to the public and many Americans are now faced with the challenge of making heads or tails of the options.  In addition to a plethora of choices, consumers are confronted with the interaction of federal subsidies which impacts the decision and can create planning [...]

How Obamacare Impacts You

For many individuals under the age of 65, the world of health insurance is about to become significantly more complex.  On October 1, the new health insurance exchanges, a result of the Affordable Care Act (ACA or “Obamacare”), will publish available plans and pricing.  On January 1, 2014, barring any last minute changes, the Affordable [...]

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